3. Configuring ShadowSocks Server
Next to Configure ShadowSocks Server Connection
Edit the Json Configuration File with the nano Editor:sudo nano /etc/shadowsocks-libev/config.json
And Set it like:
{"server":"","server_port":8388,"local_port":1080,"password":"[PASSWORD]","timeout":600,"method":"aes-128-cfb" }
To protect your Connection just set a Secure [PASSWORD] in the above! And possibly test an Alternate Encryption method…
Ctrl+x to Save & Exit from nano Editor.4. Starting ShadowSocks Server
Now to Start ShadowSocks Server
Simply play:sudo systemctl start shadowsocks-libev
Again to Enable it at Boot:
sudo systemctl enable shadowsocks-libev
Finally, to Stop it:
sudo systemctl stop shadowsocks-libev
5. Connecting to ShadowSocks Server
Setting Up ShadowSocks Server Connection on Ubuntu GNU/Linux
So Now I’m truly Happy if My Guide could Help you to Quick-Start with ShadowSocks Server on Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial!