Locating on Command Line
2. Checking Up
Check if the updatedb Commad is on System’s Path
With:which updatedb
If is Not there you Should Find another More Specific Guide or Consult your Specific Distro Documentation.
But if Missing it may be Installed as: mlocate.
And on CentOS:sudo yum install mlocate
3. Updating locate DB
Then to Update the Locate Database
Play:sudo updatedb
You need to Wait for a little while Until the Locate Database is Updated…
Especially relevant: the locate Command DB should be Updated as your System make some Significant Change.
4. Searching on Command Line
for a Simple Keyword Searching
Try:locate [keyword]
As for Instance, to Locate a Printer Ppd File:
locate .ppd
Whith this Syntax above you can Locate All Files, Directories, Images and Paths Containing the Given “keyword”.
How to Automatically Update the locate Database
5. Refining Search with grep
How to Refine your locate Search-Results
How to Use grep with locate