GNU/Linux Fedora 31 Installing Prepros – QuickStart Guide
Hi! The Tutorial shows you Step-by-Step How to Download and Install Prepros in Fedora 31 GNU/Linux.
And Prepros for Fedora Compile Less, Sass, Scss, Compass, Coffeescript, Stylus, Jade, Slim, Markdown, Haml and Livescript Files with Live Browser Refresh.
Especially relevant: Prepros is a Commercial App but with an Unlimited Trial Period.
Finally, this guide includes detailed instructions about to Getting-Started with Prepros on Fedora.
1. Launching Shell Emulator
Open a Terminal window
(Press “Enter” to Execute Commands).
2. Downloading Prepros for Fedora
Download Prepros for Fedora GNU/Linux
3. Converting Prepros Deb to Rpm
Next to Convert Prepros Debian Package to Red Hat Package
First, Install the needed Alien Command Line Tool:sudo dnf alien
And then to Convert the Package:sudo alien -r ~/Downloads/Prepros*.deb
4. Installing Ruby
How to Install Ruby 2.5 on Fedora GNU/Linux
5. Installing Prepros
Then to Set up Prepros on Fedora from CLI Simply play:
sudo rpm -Uvh --force --nodeps ~/Downloads/prepros*.rpm
6. Launching Prepros
Finally, Launch & Enjoy Prepros
Now, to Start from Shell simply:prepros
Then to Make a Desktop Launcher see: Launcher Creation Guide
7. Prepros Getting-Started Guide
Getting-Started with Prepros for Fedora GNU/Linux
So Now I’m truly Happy if this Info could Help you to Install Prepros on Fedora 31!