GNU/Linux Fedora UnitedRPMs Repo Setup – Step-by-step Guide
Hi! This tutorial will guide you step-by-step on How to Add UnitedRPMs Repository in Fedora GNU/Linux.
And UnitedRPMs Fedora Repository includes Multimedia Codecs and Other Software and Addons which are missing in the Official Fedora Repositories.
Especially relevant: the UnitedRPMs Packages Repository is currently available for Fedora 31+.
1. Launching Terminal
Open a Shell Session
(Press “Enter” to Execute Commands).
2. Downloading UnitedRPMs Repo
Download UnitedRPMs Repository for Fedora GNU/Linux
Browse for the Matching Fedora Release.
And in case of Rawhide or Not Found then Grab the previous one.2. Installing UnitedRPMs Repo
Then to Install UnitedRPMs Repository
Simply play:sudo dnf install ~/Downloads/unitedrpms-*.noarch.rpm
(But if you are in Trouble to Find the Location on Terminal then See: How to Access Downloads Folder from Browser.)
If Got “User is Not in Sudoers file” then see: How to Enable sudo3. Importing UnitedRPMs GPG Key
Finally, to Import UnitedRPMs GPG Key
Run:sudo rpm --import
4. Enabling UnitedRPMs Mirrors
Then to Enable UnitedRPMs Mirrors List
Edit the Repo with nano:sudo nano /etc/yum.repos.d/unitedrpms.repo
Removing the “#” in front to the MirrorList Entries like:mirrorlist=
Ctrl+x to Save & Exit from nano Editor.