2. Installing Dependencies
Then to Install Required Packages
Simply play:sudo apt install unzip openssl
Authenticate with the User Admin Pass.
If Got “User is Not in Sudoers file” then see: How to Enable sudo.3. Downloading uTorrent
Download uTorrent Client for Lubuntu 13.04
If you are using Firefox then on Prompt Choose “Open with Archive Manager”:
Or After try to Select the Package by the Downloads Button on Top Panel:
Instead, on Google-Chrome simply try to Choose the Package on the Bottom Panel:
3. Extracting uTorrent
Then Extract uTorrent into /tmp
Possibly Double-Click/Right-Click and Open with Archive Manager:
Or from Command Line:tar xvzf ~/Downloads/utserver.tar.gz -C /tmp/
Again to Extract uTorrent Web GUI
With:unzip /tmp/utorrent*/
4. Installing uTorrent
Next Relocate uTorrent
First, to Set the SuperUser as Owner of UTorrent stuff run:sudo chown -R root:root /tmp/utorrent*
And then Switch it into the Target directory:
sudo mv /tmp/utorrent* /opt/utorrent