Getting Started
2. Looking up Software
Now to Search for Programs and DLLs
First, to get Help:winetricks --help
To List All Available Software use:
winetricks list-all
To List the available Apps:
winetricks apps list
To List All the Ready to Install Automatically Software play:
winetricks list-download
3. Installing Software
To Install Software.
Installing into the Default Prefix
winetricks [Software]
Installing in Custom Prefix
Instead, to Install Programs into it’s own Wine Bottle (Prefix)
Firt make a New Prefix with:WINEPREFIX="$HOME/.custom" wine wineboot
And then execute:
env WINEPREFIX=~/.custom sh winetricks [Software]
So for Instance:
env WINEPREFIX=~/.custom sh winetricks safari
Installing 32-bit Software
First, Create a 32-bit Wine Prefix with:
WINEPREFIX="$HOME/.prefix32" WINEARCH=win32 wine wineboot
Or possibly, set the Environment to 32-bit:
export WINEARCH=win32
And then to Setup a 32-bit Software run:
env WINEPREFIX=~/.prefix32 sh winetricks [Software]
So for instance:
env WINEPREFIX=~/prefix32 sh winetricks office2013pro
4. Running Sofware
Then to Run Windows Software with Wine.
Programs Executables Path
The default Path do the C Drive is:
To the 64-bit Software:
~/.wine/drive_c/'Program Files'
And instead to the 32-bit Programs:
~/.wine/drive_c/'Program Files (x86)'
For a Custom Bottle so the Path to Drive C is:
Running Software
So to Launch Programs from the Default Prefix
Run:wine ~/.wine/drive_c/Program*/[Software]/[Software].exe
For instance:
wine ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files\ \(x86\)/Safari/Safari.exe
Instead, to Run Programs in a Custom Wine Bottle:
env WINEPREFIX=~/.prefix32 wine ~/.prefix32/drive_c/'Program Files'/PATH/2/[Software]
So for instance:
env WINEPREFIX=~/prefix32 wine ~/.prefix32/drive_c/'Program Files'/'Microsoft Office'/Office15/WINWORD.exe