Step-by-step – Realtek RTL8821ce Driver Installation in Linux Mint 20

August 5, 2020 | By the+gnu+linux+evangelist.


  1. 2. Downloading Realtek rtl8821CE Driver

    Download Realtek Driver in Mint GNU/Linux

    Get Realtek Wi-fi Driver in Mint

    If you are using Firefox then on Prompt Choose “Open with Archive Manager”:

    Step-by-step Mint Realtek rtl8821CE Driver Installation Guide - Firefox Prompt

    Or After try to Select the Package by the Downloads Button on Top Panel:

    Step-by-step Mint Realtek rtl8821CE Driver Installation Guide - Downloaded Packages

    Instead, on Google-Chrome simply try to Choose the Package on the Bottom Panel:

    Step-by-step Mint Realtek rtl8821CE Driver Installation Guide - Chrome Bottom Panel Downloads

    How to Install Chrome Browser on Mint

  2. 3. Extracting Realtek rtl8821CE Driver

    And then Extract Driver Archive into /tmp
    Possibly Double-Click/Right-Click on Package and Open with Archive Manager:
    How to Install Realtek rtl8821CE Driver in Mint 20 - Extraction
    Or from Command Line:

    unzip -d /tmp/ ~/Downloads/*

    (But if you are in Trouble to Find the Location on Terminal then See: How to Access Downloads Folder from Browser.)

  3. 4. Removing Apt Driver

    First, to Remove rtl8821CE DKMS Apt Driver
    This only if it was installed, in any case try:

    sudo apt remove --purge rtl8821ce-dkms

    And if yes then reboot with:

    sudo reboot
  4. 5. Installing Dependencies

    Then to Install Required Stuff
    First, play:

    sudo apt install bc git module-assistant dkms

    Authenticate with the User Admin Pass.
    If Got “User is Not in Sudoers file” then see: How to Enable sudo.
    Now better to Upgrade the System with:

    sudo apt upgrade

    And in this case after Restart your System running:

    sudo reboot

    Last, to Setup the Kernel Headers and other eventual Requirements run:

    sudo m-a prepare
  5. 6. Installing Realtek rtl8821CE Driver

    Then to Install Wi-fi Driver for Mint
    Access the Target folder, in case of a Git Checkout modifies the Path accordingly:

    cd /tmp/*master

    Or whatever else the Git Archive location.
    And then to Setup it play:

    sudo ./

    Last, in case of Troubles with Dkms you may Try with an Ordinary “make” “sudo make install” Setup.

  6. 7. Loading Realtek rtl8821CE Driver

    Now to Load Realtek Driver into Mint’s Kernel
    Try to Load it with the following Command:

    sudo modprobe 8821ce

    Possibly try to Reboot to Activate your Device:

    sudo reboot


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