3. Launching SSH Server
Finally, Start SSH Server
With:sudo service ssh start
To enable it at Boot:
sudo service ssh enable
In case, to Stop it:
sudo service ssh stop
To Enable Remote Access from a Client.
Output the Client Key:cat ~/.ssh/
Select & Ctrl+Shift+c to Copy on Terminal.
Then Append it to the Server authorized_keys File:
(Here for simplicity with the nano Editor, but you can just use Anyone.)sudo nano ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
Ctrl+x to Save & Exit from nano Editor.
Last, Test your SSH Connection locally:ssh `whoami`@localhost
The `whoami` Command just to Output your Username.
Remotely instead:ssh `whoami`@[MYSERVERIP]
Replace “[MYSERVERIP]” with that you can find in: How to Check IP Guide.
Access with your User Password.
To Quit:exit
4. SSH Server Getting-Started Guide
Get Started with SSH Server for Bodhi GNU/Linux
So Now I am truly Happy if My Guide could Help you to Quick-Start with SSH Server on Bodhi Linux!