3. Downloading Linux Headers
Download Linux Headers for Mageia GNU/Linux
Grab kernel-desktop-devel* Package.
Possibly to switch of Version Change 7 to your Current release on the URL.4. Installing kernel-desktop-devel Offline
Then to Set up kernel-desktop-devel Offline on openSUSE
First, access the Target USB Driver or Location:cd /[path/2/kernel-desktop-devel]
To Check the Package is there:
ls | grep kernel
The grep Command Refine the output List showing only the entries Matching the Keyword.
Then simply play:sudo dnf install ./kernel-desktop-devel*.rpm
sudo urpmi ./kernel-desktop-devel*.rpm
Authenticate with the User Admin Pass.
If Got “User is Not in Sudoers file” then see: How to Enable sudo.
So Now I’m truly Happy if My Guide could Help you to Install kernel-desktop-devel Offline on Mageia Linux!