Setting up Driver
2. Installing Dependencies
Then to Install Required Packages
First, Update the Apt Repos sources:sudo apt update
If Got “User is Not in Sudoers file” then see: How to Enable sudo
And then Execute:sudo apt-get install cups libxml2 libglade2-0 libpng1* libtiff*
3. Downloading Canon TS3320/TS3322 Driver
Download Canon TS3320/TS3322 Printers Linux Driver
Select the Linux 32/64-bit OS from Drop-Down
And a Driver is Valid for All Series Printer
So Eg: for “MX495” is Good for All the “MX490” Series
And again the “MG2240” for “MG2200” Series.If you are using Firefox then on Prompt Choose “Open with Archive Manager”:
Or After try to Select the Package by the Downloads Button on Top Panel:
Instead, on Google-Chrome simply try to Choose the Package on the Bottom Panel:
4. Extracting Canon TS3320/TS3322 Driver
Extract into the /tmp Directory
Possibly Double-Click/Right-Click to Open with the Archive Manager:5. Setting up Canon TS3320/TS3322 Driver
Now to Install Canon Printer Driver
Access the Target location:cd /tmp/cnijfilter*
Run the Installation script:
sudo ./
You could be asked to Connect and Turn On the Printer…
In case of Installation Issues see this Troubleshooting!
Now if in the Output you find trace of some Missing Package then try first to execute:cd packages
sudo apt install gdebi gdebi-core
For 32-bit Systems:
sudo gdebi ./*amd64.deb
And instead for 32-bit:
sudo gdebi ./*i386.deb