2. Downloading Aptana Studio 3
Download Standalone Aptana Studio 3 for Linux
Choose to Save the File.
4. Installing Aptana Studio 3
Then to Setup Aptana-Studio3 IDE
First, Install the unzip Tool:sudo yum install unzip
If Got “User is Not in Sudoers file” then see: How to Enable sudo
Next Make a Target directory:sudo mkdir /opt/AptanaStudio
Now Unzip it directly into the Target with:
sudo unzip -d /opt/AptanaStudio ~/Downloads/*.zip
And Set the SuperUser as Owner:
sudo chown -R root:root /opt/AptanaStudio
Finally, make a Symlink:
sudo ln -s /opt/AptanaStudio/AptanaStudio3 /usr/local/bin/AptanaStudio3
5. Setting Up Java
How to Install Required Oracle-Sun Java on CentOS