Setting Up
3. Setting up VM Type
Choose the VM Typical SetUp:
Click on4. Choosing Image ISO
First, choose Install from Disk Image File:
So Browse for ISO Image:
Click on5. Choosing OS Type
If needed then Select the Guest OS
This doesn’t matter and so if you just Do Not Find it then choose Other…
Then Click on6. Naming VM
Again choose a VM Name:
Click on7. Setting up Disk
Now specify the Disk Size
This is just the Maximum Size:
Especially relevant: The Disk then will be Auto-Growing so 30Gb here it’s Just the Upper Limit!
Again it’s Best to Set Disk as a Single File instead of the Default 2Gb Chunks…
Then Click on8. Creating VM
Click on Finish on Bottom.
9. Running VM
Finally, uou can Power On the Virtual Machine :)
Possibly, choose “Settings” to customize and Set RAM Size:
How to Install Ubuntu on a VMware Workstation VM