2. Downloading and Burning Debian ISO
How to Download and Burn Debian Installation Media to CD/DVD/USB
3. Installing Debian Buster on Top of Windows 10
Boot from Debian Installation Media
How to StartUp Debian from CD/DVD/USB on Windows 10 PCStart by choosing “Graphical install”:
Then select a Language:
(To confirm choices use Space-Bar, Enter or your Mouse)
Again select the Location:
Configure the Keyboard:
Now start to load the installer components and the Network Hardware lookup:
So then set the “hostname”:
Next also the Domain Name:
Choose the “root” User Password:
Now set the User Full Name:
Again the “username”:
And the User Password:
Configure the Clock:
Follow with the Disk partitioning.
So choose “Manual” and follow the linked Guide:Debian Buster Manual Partitioning Guide
Again confirm to write changes to Disks:
Then start automatically the base system setup:
Next follow to configure the Apt Package Manager.
So confirm to use a Network Mirror:
Then choose the Mirror Country:
Again the Archive Mirror:
And possibly also the Proxy Url:
Then start automatically the first software installation procedure:
Next you can choose the additional Software and the Desktop to setup on System:
Again you may wait a little longer for the Software installation:
Now confirm to install GRUB Boot Loader:
And next select /dev/sda as Target:
Finally, the Installation should be successfully achieved:
Congrats, you should be able to Restart into Debian 10 GNU/Linux!