Raspberry Pi Installing Realtek rtl8192SU Wi-fi Driver Guide
Hi! This tutorial will guide you step-by-step on How to Install Realtek rtl8192SU Wireless Driver in Raspberry Pi Debian/Ubuntu based GNU/Linux Devices.
And to Install Realtek rtl8192SU Driver in Raspberry Pi it’s enough to follow the detailed instructions included in the here below Post.
Especially relevant: the instructions here included are originally targeting the Raspberry Pi OS, so for others OSes you may also see the Realtek Wifi Drivers Linux Setup Guides.
![Realtek rtl8192SU Wifi Driver Raspberry Pi Installation - Featured](https://tutorialforlinux.com/wp-content/media/dg139/intro/gnomePenguinRaspberryPi.jpg)
1. Launching Terminal
How to QuickStart with Command Line on Raspberry Pi
2. Checking Kernel Version
Now to find out your Kernel Version
Run:uname -r
And possibly to check your OS type:uname -a
Take into account for further informations that the default Raspberry Pi OS is a Debian based one.