GNU/Linux Ubuntu 18.04 Airpaste File Sharing and Streaming – QuickStart Guide
Hi! The Tutorial shows you Step-by-Step How to Install and Getting-Stared with Airpaste Easy File/Content Sharing and Streaming from Command Line on GNU/Linux Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic LTS Generic Local Network.
Airpaste for Ubuntu Bionic is a 1-1 Network Pipe that Auto Discovers other Peers using mdns.
Finally, Airpast is a Cross Platform Sharing Tool so that you can freely Sharing between Linux, Windows and macOS Computers.
Because it’s enough that all the Sharing Machines on Network have Installed by NPM a Running Airpaste Copy.
![GNU/Linux Ubuntu 18.04 Easy File Sharing and Streaming Quick Start - Featured](
1. Launching Terminal
Open a Shell Terminal Emulator Session
(Press “Enter” to Execute Commands)
2. Installing NodeJs
How to Install the Latest Node.js on Ubuntu GNU/Linux
3. Installing Airpaste
Installing Airpaste by npm
Simply play:sudo npm -g install airpaste
Or else try:npm install airpaste
Authenticate with the User Admin Pass.
If Got “User is Not in Sudoers file” then see: How to Enable sudo.
4. Sharing Content
To Sharing Files on Network by Airpaste.
On the Sending computer do:
airpaste < my.file
On the Receiving terminal run:
airpaste > my.file
To Sharing & Streaming Content on the Pipe.
Since Airpaste just outputs to stdout you can also do stuff like piping Movies/Music to Mplayer and any other that support streaming to stdin:Sharing Text Content.
echo hello world | airpaste
Optionally to Filter Receivers you can also Name the Pipe as an airpaste Argument like “airpaste myPipe.”
Streaming Media File.
airpaste < movie.mp4
airpaste | mplayer -