2. Installing Required Packages
Now to Install Required Packages
First, to Upgrade Manjaro run:sudo pacman -Syu
Next Reboot it:
sudo reboot
First, install FFmpeg with:
sudo pacman -Sy ffmpeg x264 x265 libjpeg6-turbo
Then NodeJs by:
sudo pacman -S nodejs npm pm2 node-gyp
Again to Setup MariaDB play:
sudo pacman -S mariadb mariadb-clients
Getting-Started with MariaDB Server on GNU/Linux
Finally, to setup Dos2unix package:
sudo pacman -S dos2unix
3. Cloning Shinobi Git Repo
Follow to Clone Shinobi Git Repository
Simply play:sudo git clone /home/Shinobi
4. Installing Node.js Modules
First, access the target Directoty:cd /home/Shinobi
And to Install Node Modules issue:
sudo npm install
5. Installing Shinobi
Next to Install Shinobi on Manjaro
Simply play:su -c "bash <(curl -s"
After first choose “CentOS” as Release:
And then when prompted about the Packages Installation answer “n”!
Database Installation -> ‘y’
Database User -> ‘root’
Finally, enter the MySQL Pass to follow with the DB Setup:Finally, before launching Shinobi it’s better to Reboot the System:
sudo reboot