IntelliJ IDEA Ubuntu 20.04 Installation
2. Get IntelliJ IDEA for Ubuntu
Download Latest IntelliJ IDEA for Ubuntu
3. Expand IntelliJ IDEA Archive
Then Extract IntelliJ Archive into /tmp
Possibly Double-Click on it in the File Manager.
Or from Command Line with:tar xvzf ~/Downloads/idea*.tar.gz -C /tmp/
4. Relocate IntelliJ IDEA Contents
Next Relocate IntelliJ Idea Folder:
sudo su
If Got “User is Not in Sudoers file” then see: How to Enable sudo
Set up the root superUser as owner:sudo chown -R root:root /tmp/idea*
And Switch the IntelliJ IDEA contents:
sudo mv /tmp/idea* /opt/idea
5. Making Symlink
Moreover, Make a Symlink into the working Path:
sudo ln -s /opt/idea/bin/ /usr/local/bin/
6. Oracle Java Development Kit Installation
How to Install Required Oracle Java SE JDK for Ubuntu
7. Launching IntelliJ IDEA on Command Line
Starting IntelliJ IDEA from Shell:
8. IntelliJ IDEA Initial Setup
Follow with the Initial Customization Setup
First, choose the Theme for the UI:Next Make a Desktop Launcher and Follow Up with the Wizard!
9. IntelliJ IDEA Getting-Started Guide
IntelliJ IDEA Getting-Started with Java Hello World
Now Thanks to the JetBrains Company Now you are able to Getting-Started on IntelliJ IDEA with Java, Android and Groovy Development.