Step-by-step – LibGDX Installation in Debian Bullseye

April 6, 2021 | By the+gnu+linux+evangelist.


  1. 4. Java JDK Setup

    Now, Check if Java JDK is Already Installed:

    javac -version

    If Yes then in the Output you should Find the Version! Otherwise See below…
    How to Install Required Java JDK on Debian

    Java JDK Debian Installation
  2. 5. Accessing Target

    So to Access the Target Directory
    First, Try:

    cd && cd Downloads

    (But if you are in Trouble to Find it out on Terminal then See: How to Access Downloads Folder from Browser.)
    To Verify it’s there List the Directory Contents with:

    ls . | grep gdx
  3. 6. Setting Up libGDX Project

    Now to Setup libGDX Project run:

    java -jar ./gdx-setup.jar

    To Develop also for Android Devices potentially see: How to Install Android Studio on Debian
    Otherwise first Uncheck the Android Check Box…
    Next, how you Can clearly See the Wizard dispose of Many Settings…
    But now to Begin just Click on Generate!

    Step-by-step - libGDX Debian Bullseye Setup Guide - Wizard Tool

    After few minutes you Find the Gradle build into the Destination Directory!


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