GNU/Linux Realtek rtl8168 Driver Download
Hi! Here Below you find Links to Download and Install Realtek RTL8168x Ethernet Controller Driver GNU/Linux Release.
And here below are included the Best known Alternatives to Download Realtek rtl8168 Driver in Linux.
Moreover, the original Realtek Driver should support all the following PCI Express 10/100/1000M Gigabit Ethernet Adapters:
- RTL8168B/8111B
- RTL8168C/8111C
- RTL8168CP/8111CP
- RTL8168D/8111D
- RTL8168DP/8111DP
- RTL8168E/8111E
- RTL8111G/8111H
- RTL8411/8411B
And again also the PCI Express 10/100M Fast Ethernet Interfaces:
- RTL8101E
- RTL8102E
- RTL8103E
- RTL8105E
- RTL8106E
- RTL8107E
- RTL8401
- RTL8402
Especially relevant: for USB Dongles you may try the given Alternative Driver.
The Guide includes detailed instructions on How to Install Realtek rtl8168 Driver on GNU/Linux Computers.
Finally, Relax and Take it Easy because this Setup may result Tricky and Time-consuming.

Downloading Realtek rtl8168 GNU/Linux Driver
How to Download Realtek rtl8168 Driver in GNU/Linux
But for the Ubuntu Based OSes you may try instead the rtl8125 PPA or also the default rtl8168 Dkms DriverRealtek rtl8168 Linux Driver Alternatives:
Rather for Arch Linux based first you may see the:
Arch Package.
Or: AUR Package.To check the Kernel Version play:
uname -r
Finally, for Older Kernels:
Deshpandeshivam23Installing Realtek rtl8168 GNU/Linux Driver
How to Install Realtek rtl8168 in GNU/Linux Computers
This Guides cover only one Alternative for the others see directly the Developer Instructions on GitHub.