GNU/Linux Ubuntu 21.04 Installing aMule – QuickStart Guide
Hi! The Tutorial shows you Step-by-Step How to Install aMule in Ubuntu 21.04 Hirsute GNU/Linux Desktop.
And aMule for Ubuntu Hirsute is a Free Peer-to-peer File Sharing Utility that Works with the EDonkey Network and the Kad Network, offering similar Features to eMule and Adding others such as GeoIP.
Here are some Key Features of All-platform eMule:
- Cross-Platform Compatibility: aMule is compatible with various operating systems, including Windows, macOS, Linux, and FreeBSD. This allows users to access the application on different platforms.
- File Sharing: Users can share files with others on the eDonkey and Kad networks by uploading files to their shared directory. These files are then made available for other users to download.
- Search and Download: aMule allows users to search for files on the eDonkey and Kad networks using keywords or file hashes. Once a file is found, users can initiate downloads and monitor their progress.
- Download Management: The application provides features for managing downloads, including the ability to prioritize downloads, pause and resume transfers, and set download limits.
- Upload Management: Users can control the upload bandwidth allocated to aMule, as well as configure settings for managing shared files and uploads.
- IP Filtering: aMule supports IP filtering to block connections from specific IP addresses or ranges. This feature helps users control the sources of incoming connections and enhance security.
- Chat Integration: aMule includes a built-in chat client that allows users to communicate with other users on the network. This feature enables users to chat with peers, exchange messages, and share information.
- Statistics and Monitoring: Users can view real-time statistics and monitoring information within aMule, including download/upload speeds, connection status, and transfer statistics.
- Remote Control: aMule supports remote control through web interfaces and remote client applications. This allows users to manage their downloads and settings remotely from a web browser or mobile device.
- Plugins and Extensions: aMule offers support for plugins and extensions that extend its functionality. Users can install plugins to add new features, customize the interface, or integrate with third-party services.
Especially relevant: this aMule Setup is based on the Ubuntu PPA that is fixing some Apt Repo Package Issues.

1. Launching Shell Emulator
Open a Terminal window
Ctrl+Alt+t on Desktop
(Press “Enter” to Execute Commands)