GNU/Linux Docker Getting Started Guide
Hi! The Tutorial shows you Step-by-Step How to Getting-Started with Docker, Docker Engine and Docker Containers in GNU/Linux Desktops/Servers.
Docker for Linux is a Client and Server App that makes it easy to utilize Linux Containers by providing a Standard Format for Building and Sharing those Containers.
The Docker Client is a Shell Tool that allows you to Interact with the Docker daemon by the Docker API.
A Container (UNIX technology) is a Modified Runtime Environment for a program that prevents that program from accessing protected resources except where explicitly allowed.
Linux Containers provide also the necessary Isolation between Apps to Eliminate Conflicts between runtime Dependencies and Configurations.
In this Guide I’ll display straightforwardly How to Create, Start, Stop, Kill, and Remove Docker Containers on Linux.

1. Launching Terminal
How to QuickStart with Command Line on GNU/Linux