2. Downloading Godot
Download Godot Engine for GNU/Linux
Choose between the “Standard version” and the “Mono version“.
Especially relevant, for the C# supported Version then see also: How to Install NET Core 6+ SDK on Xubuntu!3. Installing Godot
And to Install Godot on Xubuntu
Extract it directly into the Target, from Command Line:sudo unzip -d /opt/ ~/Downloads/Godot*.zip
But if you are in Trouble to Find Out it on Terminal See: How to Access Downloads Folder from Browser.
(Here a System-wide Installation, for a Local one simply Run it from inside the Home Directory.)
Then Rename it to make easier the Path Setup, for the Ordinary one:sudo mv /opt/Godot* /opt/Godot
Where instead for the NET Release with C# support:
sudo mv /opt/Godot* /opt/GodotSharp
And again:
sudo mv /opt/GodotSharp/Godot* /opt/GodotSharp/GodotMono
Next Fix Permissions with:
sudo chown -R root:root /opt/Godot*
Skip this in case of a Local Setup into your Home Folder…
Finally, amend the User Path:echo "export PATH=$PATH:/opt/Godot" >> ~/.bashrc
And to Reload it simply: