Adding Printer
4. Installing CUPS
Again, to Install CUPS
Play:sudo pacman -Sy cups cups-pdf
5. Adding User
Next to Add User to Printing Group
Simply issue:sudo gpasswd -a `whoami` lp
And then to Enable CUPS’s Web Interface Administration:
sudo gpasswd -a `whoami` lpadmin
6. Running CUPs
Next Run CUPS Service
So to Start it:sudo systemctl start org.cups.cupsd.service
Again to Enable CUPS at Boot time:
sudo systemctl enable org.cups.cupsd.service
7. Launching Printers App
Then Run Printing Manager
Here below for the Xfce Desktop:For the other Spins eventually See How to Add Printer in GNU/Linux Desktops.
8. Adding Epson ET-4700 Printer
And follow to Add Epson ET-4700 on Manjaro
First, Select the ‘Administration’ Tab:Choose ‘Add Printer’ or ‘Find Printers’:
So then Select the Printer that should be Found and Confirm to Add it.
But if Not Found then Verify the Printer is Connected and Turned On.
Then Browse to “Install PPD File” Driver.How to Find Printer PPD File’s Location on Manjaro
Or else Search in the “Printers Driver Database”.
Finally, the Printer should be Successfully Installed and Working on System!