Adding SlackOnly Repo
2. Installing Slackpkg+
How to Install Slackpkg+ on Slackware GNU/Linux
3. Adding SlackOnly Repo
Finally, to Add SlackOnly Repository
First, Login SuperUser:sudo su
On Slackpkg+ edit the Configuration File with nano:
nano /etc/slackpkg/slackpkgplus.conf
To Check the SlackOnly URL open on a Browser: SlackOnly Repository.
Right-Click and Copy the “Copy link address“:Ctrl+w to Search for “MIRRORPLUS” on nano Editor.
And Add:MIRRORPLUS['slackonly']=[REPOURL]
Replace [REPOURL] in the above with the Copied one before.
Ctrl+v to Paste into Terminal.
Like for instance:MIRRORPLUS['slackonly']=
Again amend the Enabled Repos List like:
REPOPLUS=( slackpkgplus restricted slackonly )
Ctrl+x to Save & Exit.
Then Update the Slackpkg+ GPG Keys:slackpkg update gpg
And Update the Repo Sources:
slackpkg update
For the Slapt-get edit:
nano /etc/slapt-get/slapt-getrc
Like in the former Example find out the Repo URL.
And then append:SOURCE=[REPOURL]
Replace [REPOURL] in the above with the Copied one before.
Ctrl+v to Paste into Terminal.
Ctrl+x to Save & Exit.
Then Update the Slackpkg+ GPG Keys:slackpkg update gpg
And Update the Repo Sources:
slackpkg update