2. Installing Broadcom Wl Driver
Then to Install Broadcom Wl Driver on ArcoLinux
First, before installing any DKMS based Software you are recommended to Upgrade your System with:sudo pacman -Syyu
Again you may need follow Guidance to: Install Kernel Headers in Arch
How to Install Linux Headers in Arch
GNU/Linux Arch Based Kernel Headers Installation Tutorial.And in case then to Reboot play:
sudo reboot
So next simply run:
sudo pacman -Sy broadcom-wl-dkms
But in case of Build Issue the try instead:
sudo pacman -Sy broadcom-wl
Authenticate with the User Admin Pass.
If Got “User is Not in Sudoers file” then see: How to Enable sudo.
Finally, if needed then Reboot your System with:sudo reboot
So Now I’m truly Happy if this Guide could Help you to Install Broadcom Wl Driver on ArcoLinux!