Install DB Software
12. Running Oracle 12c R2 DB Installer
So now Run the Installation Script
First, give Execution permissions:chmod -R +x /tmp/database
And then to Launch the Wizard:
Solution for Display Not Set or Issue
13. Installing Oracle 12c R2 DB Software
Then Follow the Installation’s Wizard
Here is Shown in the GUI form.
Especially relevant: Confirm for Installation also on Warning about System does Not Meeting Minimum Requirements!
If you Do Not Dispose of a Subcription Uncheck Security Updates and leave Blank Support Password and Pursue!
Then Choose “Install Software Only”!
On “Installation Options” Choose if a “Single Instance” like here or instead a “Cluster”.
Then Choose the “Enterprise Edition”
Select the Installation Location.
Again for the OraInventory.
Next Confirm the Installation Groups.
Review the “Summary” and Possibly take a Copy.
Finally, Click on “Install” to Start Installation Process.Solving Oracle 12c R2 DB Libs Linking Errors on Lubuntu Focal.
Finally, Run the Configuration Scripts
As shown on Display or Shell:
As in our Setup:sudo /u01/app/oraInventory/
sudo /u01/app/oracle/product/12/dbhome_1/
And Finally, the Installation Should be Achieved Successfully!