2. Enabling Apache2 Rewrite
Now to Enable Apache2 Rewrite Module
Simply play:sudo su -c "a2enmod rewrite"
How to Create an Apache 2 Virtual Host on Deepin.
3. Setting up Domain
Again to Setup an Apache2 Virtual Host for Rewrite
Edit the Configuration File:sudo su -c "nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/[myDomainName].conf"
Append inside the VirtualHost Section:
<Directory /var/www/html/[mySite]> Options Indexes FollowSymLinks AllowOverride All </Directory>
Ctrl+Shift+v to Paste Content on nano
Ctrl+x to Save and Exit from nano Editor :)4. Restarting Apache
Finally, Restart Apache2 Web Server
Simply with:sudo service apache2 restart