GNU/Linux Ubuntu 21.04 Installing GDevelop – QuickStart Guide
Hi! The Tutorial shows you Step-by-Step How to Download and Install GDevelop in Ubuntu 21.04 Hirsute GNU/Linux Desktop.
And GDevelop for Ubuntu 21.04 is an Open-Source Game making Software designed to be used by everyone.
Moreover, it’s Free, Fast, and so Easy to use that you’ll never look at Games the same way.
Any kind of 2D Games can be created with it and No Programming Skills are required to get started.
Finally, this guide includes detailed instructions about to Getting-Started with GDevelop on Ubuntu.

1. Launching Shell Emulator
Open a Terminal window
Ctrl+Alt+t on Desktop
(Press “Enter” to Execute Commands)2. Installing AppImageLauncher
Then to Set up AppImageLauncher on Ubuntu
Optionally you can simply Download and Run the GDevelop AppImage…