Installing Driver
2. Installing Dependencies
Then to Install Required Stuff
First, possibly, upgrade your System with:sudo apt upgrade
And if a New Kernel is installed then restart with:
sudo reboot
So then run:
sudo apt install build-essential linux-headers-$(uname -r) dkms
3. Downloading Realtek rtl8723BU Driver
Download Realtek Driver in Debian GNU/Linux
Especially relevant: this guide follow only the original Lwfinger Setup, for the others Variants see directly the Developer GitHub Page!
4. Extracting Realtek rtl8723BU Driver
And then Extract Driver Archive into /tmp
(Skip in case of Git Checkout)
Possibly Double-Click/Right-Click on Package and Open with Archive Manager:
Or from Command Line:unzip -d /tmp/ ~/Downloads/*
(But if you are in Trouble to Find the Location on Terminal then See: How to Access Downloads Folder from Browser.)
5. Installing Realtek rtl8723BU Driver
Then to Install rtl8723BU Wi-fi Driver for Debian
Access the Target folder:cd /tmp/*master
Or in case of Git Checkout:
cd rtl8723BU
Then source the Config File with:
source dkms.conf
Now make the needed Directories:
sudo mkdir /usr/src/$PACKAGE_NAME-$PACKAGE_VERSION
Again copy the required Code:
sudo cp -r core hal include os_dep platform dkms.conf Makefile rtl8723b_fw.bin /usr/src/$PACKAGE_NAME-$PACKAGE_VERSION
Add it to DKMS:
And finally to Install it play:
sudo dkms autoinstall $PACKAGE_NAME/$PACKAGE_VERSION
Last, alternatively you can also try with the usual make, sudo make install Setup.
So Now I’m truly Happy if My Guide could Help you to Install Realtek rtl8723BU Driver on Debian Bullseye!