GNU/Linux Arch Canon MP540/MP550/MP560 Printer Setup – QuickStart Guide
Hi! The linked Tutorial shows you Step-by-Step How to Install Canon PIXMA MP540/MP550/MP560 Printer in Arch-based GNU/Linux Desktops.
And the Canon PIXMA MP540/MP550/MP560 Printer Setup on Arch is granted by the GutenPrint Software because the Proprietary Driver is not available.
Especially relevant: after Installing the Driver to achieve the Setup follow instructions to Add Canon Printer.
Finally, this Setup is valid for all the Arch Linux Based Distros like:
- Manjaro
- CachyOS
- EndeavourOS
- Garuda
- ArcoLinux
- Archman
- Bluestar
- Archcraft
- ArchLabs
- ArchBang
- BlackArch
- Artix