Installing Driver
3. Downloading Epson L130/L132 Driver in Mint
Download Linux Mint Epson L130/L132 Driver
If you are using Firefox then on Prompt Choose “Open with GDebi”:
Or After simply Select the Package by the Downloads Button on Top Panel:
Instead, on Google-Chrome simply Choose the Package on the Bottom Panel:
4. Installing Epson L130/L132 Driver on Mint
Next follow with Linux Mint Epson L130/L132 Driver Installation
So Click on “Install”:Then Authenticate with your Admin Password to Start the Installation process:
In a Short Time the Driver should be Successfully Installed!
But if you prefer to Install it from Terminal execute:
sudo apt install ~/Download/epson*.deb
But if you are in Trouble to Find the Location on Terminal then See: How to Access Downloads Folder from Browser.