Step-by-step – KeePassXC Red Hat Linux 9 Installation

July 24, 2022 | By the+gnu+linux+evangelist.


  1. 2. Setting Up Flatpak

    How to Install Flatpak on Red Hat Linux 9

    Flatpak Red Hat Linux 9 Installation Guide
  2. 3. Installing KeePassXC Flatpak

    Then to Install KeePassXC Flatpak App on Red Hat Linux 9
    Simply play:

    flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub

    For further Insight see the Flatpak Official Documentation.
    And after:

    flatpak install

    The Flatpak App Setup do Not need the sudo Command because then it Runs confined into a Sandbox.
    However you’ll be Prompted to Authenticate with your’s User or Admin Pass.
    Then Confirm the proposed Setup with ‘Enter’ and Wait patiently until the App is Downloaded and Installed.


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