GNU/Linux Fedora 37 Installing Adminer – QuickStart Guide
Hi! The Tutorial shows you Step-by-Step How to Install Adminer in Fedora 37 GNU/Linux Desktop/Server.
And Adminer for Fedora 37 is a Web Tool available for MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL, SQLite, MS SQL, Oracle, Firebird, SimpleDB, Elasticsearch and MongoDB.
Moreover, Adminer (formerly phpMinAdmin) is a Full-Featured Database Management Tool written in PHP. Conversely to phpMyAdmin, it consist of a Single File Ready to Deploy to the target Server.
Finally, the guide includes detailed instructions on How to Install LAMP Web Server to Run Adminer on Fedora Linux.
1. Launching Shell Emulator
Open a Terminal window
(Press “Enter” to Execute Commands).Or login into Server.
2. Downloading Adminer for Fedora
Download Adminer for Fedora GNU/Linux
3. Installing Adminer
Then to Set up Adminer on Fedora:
The Location is usually into the Downloads folder:
(But if downloaded with Firefox it can be instead into /tmp/mozilla*)
So to Setup Adminer, here the Default Fedora Server target is supposed:sudo mv adminer*.php /var/www/html
And finally to Set Adminer Ownership:
sudo chown www-data:www-data /var/www/html
How to Install LAMP Web Server in Fedora GNU/Linux
4. Getting-Started Managing DBs
Finally, to Access Adminer Web UI on localhost from Browser:
Just Replace the [x.y.z] with the Current Version!