2. Downloading WebLogic 12c
Download WebLogic 12c Server Generic for 64-bit JVM
3. Installing Java
How to Install Required Oracle-Sun JDK 8+ on Zorin OS Linux
4. Setting Up Env Vars
SetUp Environment Variables
Set JAVA_HOME, MW_HOME and PATH Vars:nano ~/.bashrc
Append Something Like:
export MW_HOME=$HOME/Oracle/Middleware
/nexport JAVA_HOME=
/nexport PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/binCtrl+x to Save & Exit :)
And to Load the New Environment simply:bash
5. Installing WebLogic 12c
Start WebLogic 12c Server Installer
Run:sudo java -jar $HOME/Downloads/wls12*.jar
Then follow the Installation’s Wizard:
Set Oracle Middleware Home. If you Change the Default Middleware Location Then Remember to Modify Consequently also the $MW_HOME in ~/.bashrc SetUp :)
If NO Oracle Subscription Then Just Skip Up.
Choose Installation Type.
Possibly Select the JDK to Use with WebLogic 12c Server.
Set WebLogic 12c Server Installation Directories.
Congratulation :)