Realtek Rtl8852AU Ubuntu Driver 22.10 Installation – Step-by-step

November 23, 2022 | By the+gnu+linux+evangelist.

Installing Driver

  1. 2. Installing Dependencies

    Then to Install Required Stuff
    First, possibly, upgrade your System with:

    sudo apt upgrade

    And if a New Kernel is installed then restart with:

    sudo reboot

    So then run:

    sudo apt install build-essential linux-headers-$(uname -r) dkms git
  2. 3. Downloading Realtek rtl8852AU Driver

    Download Realtek rtl8852AU Driver for Ubuntu GNU/Linux

    Get Realtek rtl8852AU Driver for Ubuntu

    Clone it with Git like:

    git clone
  3. 4. Installing Realtek rtl8852AU Driver

    Then to Install Realtek rtl8852AU Wi-fi Driver for Linux
    Access the Target Folder:

    cd rtl8852au

    And then to Make it play:


    (This Setup has been sucessfully tested with a GCC 12 Compiler on a 6.0 Kernel.)
    Now you can take a long Break cause this setup will require several Minutes to be achieved.
    Then to Setup it run:

    sudo make install

    Especially relevant: you’ll need to renew this Setup after each Kernel Upgrade. Else for a DKMS auto rebuilding installation see directly the Developer’s Docs.
    Last, to load it you may try simply to Reboot:

    sudo reboot

    Or to manually load and unload it:

    sudo modprobe -v 8852au
    sudo modprobe -rv 8852au
    Terminal Output

    Thanks to Lwfinger inestimable Work!

  4. 5. Disabling Secure Boot

    (Only on PCs with BIOS and installed in UEFI Mode) So to Disable Secure Boot
    First, check your installation Mode with:

    [ -d /sys/firmware/efi ] && echo "EFI" || echo "BIOS"

    And then again to check Secure Boot state:

    mokutil --sb-state

    If it is Enabled then access you PC BIOS and Disable it!
    In case you may be interested to see: How to Access BIOS Guide.

  5. Congratulations, your Realtek rtl8852AU Network Device on Ubuntu 22.10 should be now nicely working!


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