Setting Up
2. Setting PATH
Now there are 2 Ways for Including into the PATH
1st: Making a Symlink
This a Quick way to append a single Binary into the Path..sudo ln -s /[path/2/myBinary] /usr/local/bin/
If Got “User is Not in Sudoers file” then see: How to Enable sudo
Example:sudo ln -s /opt/eclipse/eclipse /usr/local/bin/
Then Try if Linux Found it with:
which [myBinary]
But if you Do Not have SuperUser Privileges First, Append to the PATH a Target inside your Home following the Step Below and then for each New Entry:
ln -s /[path/2/myBinary] ~/bin/
2nd: Editing the Bash User’s File
This is Good to Enter All at Once Multiples Binaries from a Directory into the PATHnano ~/.bashrc
Append something like:
export PATH=$PATH:/[path/2/myNewBinaries]
Or if they are somewere Preminents include its on Top of the queue with:
export PATH=/[path/2/myNewBinaries]:$PATH
For Example:
export PATH=/home/bob/Android/Sdk/tools:$PATH
To Save the Changes and Exit Hit Ctrl+x ;)
Then to Load the New PATH simply:bash
Finally, Check it’s Working with:
which [myBinary]