GNU/Linux Mint Installing IDA Freeware – Quick-Start Guide
Hi! The Tutorial shows you Step-by-Step How to Install IDA Freeware in Mint LTS GNU/Linux Desktop.
And IDA Freeware for Mint is an interactive Disassembler, which means that the user takes active participation in the disassembly process.
But IDA is not an automatic analyzer of Programs. IDA will give you hints about suspicious instructions, unsolved problems etc. It is your job to inform IDA how to proceed.
This Free version of IDA offers a privilege opportunity to see IDA in action. A light but powerful Tool can quickly analyze the Binary Code Samples and look closer at the analysis results.
Finally, this guide includes detailed instructions about to Getting-Started with IDA Freeware on Mint.

1. Downloading IDA Freeware
Download IDA Freeware for Mint GNU/Linux