2. Java Setup
First, Check if Java is Already Installed
With:java --version
If Yes then in the Output you should Find the Version! Otherwise See below…
How to Install Java on Debian GNU/Linux:3. Downloading Ghidra
Download Ghidra for Debian GNU/Linux
Save the File!
4. Installing Ghidra
And Now to Install Ghidra in Debian
Simply extract the Stuff into the Target Folder:sudo unzip -d /opt/ ~/Downloads/ghidra*.zip
Here the “/opt” Target is choosen, but you can change it in a different one, also inside the User’s Home.
And if you are in Trouble to Find it out the Package on Terminal then See: How to Access Downloads Folder from Browser.
If the Unzip Tool is missing, first:sudo apt install unzip
For a System-wide Setup we Fix the Ownerships with:
sudo chown -R root:root /opt/ghidra*
Again we Rename the Folder for an easier Path Setup as:
sudo mv /opt/ghidra* /opt/ghidra
Last, amend the User’s PATH Variable conformly:
echo 'export PATH=$PATH:/opt/ghidra' >> ~/.bashrc
And Reload it:
Done! ;)