GNU/Linux Fedora 35 Installing Psensor – QuickStart Guide
Hi! The Tutorial shows you Step-by-Step How to Install Psensor in Fedora 35 GNU/Linux Desktop.
And Psensor for Fedora is a Graphical Hardware Temperature Monitoring GUI.
It can Monitor:
- The temperature of the Motherboard and CPU Sensors (using lm-sensors).
- The temperature of the NVidia GPUs (using XNVCtrl).
- The temperature of ATI/AMDGPUs (not enabled in official distribution repositories, see the instructions for enabling its support).
- The temperature of the Hard Disk Drives (using hddtemp or libatasmart).
- The rotation Speed of the Fans (using lm-sensors).
- The CPU usage (using Gtop2).
Finally, the Software make use of:
- Lm_sensors (Linux monitoring sensors) a Free and Open-source App that provides Tools and Drivers for Monitoring Temperatures, Voltage, and Fans.
- Hddtemp a small Utility (with daemon) that gives the Hard-Drive Temperature via S.M.A.R.T. (for drives supporting this feature).

1. Terminal QuickStart
How to QuickStart with Command Line on Fedora: