Realtek Rtl8761BU Debian Bullseye Driver Installation – Step-by-step

March 11, 2023 | By the+gnu+linux+evangelist.

Installing Driver

  1. 3. Downloading Realtek rtl8761BU Driver

    Download Realtek rtl8761BU Driver for Debian GNU/Linux

    Get Realtek rtl8761BU Driver for Debian

    Grab the Zip Archive or clone it with Git.

    For further insight see directly the Developer Github Documentation!

  2. 4. Extracting Realtek rtl8761BU Driver

    And then Extract Driver Archive into /tmp (Skip in case of Git checkout)
    Possibly Double-Click/Right-Click on Package and Open with Archive Manager:

    How to Install Realtek rtl8761BU Driver in Debian Linux - Extraction
    But if yuo are in Trouble to Find it out on Terminal then See: How to Access Downloads Folder from Browser.
    Or from Command Line:

    sudo unzip -d /tmp/ ~/Downloads/RTL8761BU*.zip
  3. 5. Blacklisting Kernel Modules

    Now Blacklist Conflicting Kernel Modules
    Make a New File with the nano Editor:

    sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/bt-blacklist.conf

    And Append:

    blacklist btrtl
    blacklist btusb
    blacklist btintel
    blacklist btbcm

    Finally, Ctrl+x to Save & Exit from nano Editor.

  4. 6. Installing Realtek rtl8761BU Driver

    Then to Install Realtek rtl8761BU Bluetooth Driver for Debian
    Access the Target Folder:

    cd  /tmp/RTL8761BU*

    And then simply play:

    sudo make install

    Next to Setup the Firmware:

    sudo cp -r 8761BU /lib/firmware/

    Try to load it Rebooting with:

    sudo reboot now

    And you should successfully see your Bluetooth Adapter magically popping up from nowhere! :)
    In case of Issue or to Remove it see the Developer GitHub Page.

    Terminal output
  5. Congratulations, your Realtek rtl8761BU Network Device on Debian Linux should be now nicely working!


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