GNU/Linux Unity Editor Change Object Color

June 9, 2023 | By the+gnu+linux+evangelist.

GNU/Linux Unity Editor Setting Object Color Guide

Hi! This Guide Show you Step-by-step How to Change Object Color on Unity Game Engine Editor in GNU/Linux Desktops.

How we’ll see here below the right way is to Create first a New Material.

Unity Editor Change Object Color Linux Solving - Featured
  1. 1. Create Folder

    On the Bottom Left Project Window
    Choose the Assets Directory.

    Right-Click > Create Folder Naming it Materials:

    Create Folder
  2. 2. Creating Material

    Double-Click on the Materials Folder

    Then Right-Click > Create Material:

    Create Material
    And Namimg it.
  3. 3. Setting Material Color

    Now to Change Material Color
    Edit the Albedo Property:

    Setting Albedo Property
  4. 4. Setting Object Color

    Last, simply Drag & Drop the New Material over your Object! ;)

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