GNU/Linux Debian Bullseye Installing Intel Pro/Wireless Wi-fi Driver Guide
Hi! The Tutorial shows you Step-by-Step How to Install Intel Pro Wireless 2×00 Cards Driver Firmware in Debian Bullseye 12 GNU/Linux.
Especially relevant: currently the Available Intel Debian 12 Wi-fi Drivers are:
- firmware-iwlwifi: supporting Intel WiFi Link, Wireless-N, Advanced-N, and Ultimate-N Devices
- firmware-ipw2x00: supporting Intel PRO/Wireless Adapters
- firmware-intelwimax: supporting Intel WiMAX Cards
So here you find instructions about the ipw2x00 Debian Kernel Driver Setup that Supports some Intel Wireless LAN Adapters:
- Intel PRO/Wireless 2100
- Intel PRO/Wireless 2200
Finally, for the others Wireless Cards Driver see instead How to Install Intel firmware-iwlwifi and firmware-intelwimax.
1. Terminal Getting-Started Guide
How to QuickStart with Command Line on Debian GNU/Linux
First Update the Apt Repo Sources with:
sudo apt update
Authenticate with the User Admin Pass.
If Got “User is Not in Sudoers file” then see: How to Enable sudo.