GNU/Linux Debian Marvell Wifi Firmware Installation Guide
Hi! The Tutorial shows you Step-by-Step How to Install Marvell Wireless Adapters Firmware in Debian-Based GNU/Linux Computers.
This Guide is valid for all the Debian Linux Based Distros like:
- Kali
- Deepin
- MX Linux
- antiX
- Parrot
- SparkyLinux
- Q4OS
- MakuluLinux
- Netrunner
- Voyager
- Elive
- Steam OS
The Package contains the Binary Firmware for Wireless Network Cards with Marvell and NXP 88W8xxx chips supported by the libertas_cs, libertas_sdio, libertas_spi, libertas_tf_usb, mwifiex_pcie, mwifiex_sdio, mwifiex_usb, mwl8k and usb8xxx drivers.