GNU/Linux Ubuntu 18.04 Installing asdf – QuickStart Guide
Hi! The Tutorial shows you Step-by-Step How to Install and Get Started with asdf in Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic LTS GNU/Linux.
First, asdf is a powerful, light-weight Tool for managing multiple Versions of a given Tool or Runtime.
All Tool version definitions are contained within one File (.tool-versions) which you can check in to your Project’s Git Repo to share with your Team, ensuring everyone is using the exact same versions of tools.
Especially relevant: asdf provides a single Interface and configuration File to simplify Development workflows, and can be extended to all Tools and Runtimes via a simple Plugin interface.
Once asdf Core is set up with your Shell configuration, Plugins are installed to manage particular Tools.
Finally, this guide includes detailed instructions about to Getting-Started with asdf on Ubuntu.

1. Terminal QuickStart
How to QuickStart with Command Line on Ubuntu