GNU/Linux Finding Network Interfaces Ip Address on Command Line Easy Guide
Hi! This tutorial will guide you step-by-step on How to Get Ip Address of the connected Local Machines on Command Line Shell in GNU/Linux Systems.
IP stands for “Internet Protocol,” which is the set of rules governing the format of data sent via the Internet or Local Network.
In essence, IP Addresses are the Identifier that allows information to be sent between Interfaces on a Network: they contain Location Information and make Devices accessible for communication.
The ip Command is a powerful Tool for configuring and displaying Network Interfaces that any Linux System Administrator should know.

1. Launching Terminal
How to QuickStart with Command Line on GNU/Linux:
2. Checking IP Addresses
Now to Find Devices Interface IP Address
Usually it is very simple, just play:ip neigh
The “neigh” Flag obviously stay for “neighbour”.
Now the available Interfaces are ending with “REACHABLE“, or sometimes temporarily with “DELAY.”
Last, the displayed IPs Adressess are all beginning with “192.168“:
To get it use instead:ifconfig