GNU/Linux Kali Wi-fi Adapter Not Found Troubleshooting
Hi! The Guide shows you How to Solve WiFi/Bluetooth Wireless Adapter Not Recognized Issue in Kali GNU/Linux Desktop.
Especially relevant, if you are Unsure about your Wifi Device Chipset then see: How to Get Wireless Adapter Info on GNU/Linux.
Then here below you find the Wireless Driver Kali Setup Tutorials for some of the most diffused Adapters.
So here you find instructions for the following Wireless Interfaces:
- Realtek
- Broadcom
- Intel
- Ralink/MediaTek
- Qualcomm Atheros
Last, to know how in case of Issue with the Wireless Internet Connection a temporary turn around is using your Mobile Phone USB Tethering (Link to Guide with Instructions for Android).
1. Terminal Getting-Started Guide
How to QuickStart with Command Line on Kali GNU/Linux
2. Getting Wifi Card Info
Then to Find Wireless Adapter Info
For the PCI/PCIe internal Adapters simply run the Command:lspci -v | grep Wireless
But for the USB Dongles try instead with:lsusb -v | grep Wireless
The grep Command refine the result following the matching Keyword.
And in the Output you’ll easily See the Card’s Manufacturer and Model:
3. GNU/Linux Kali WiFi Driver Installation Guides