$schemamarkup = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'schemamarkup', true); if(!empty($schemamarkup)) { echo $schemamarkup; }

VMware Fusion 13 VM Boot From USB Drive/Stick Visual Guide

September 2, 2023 | By the+gnu+linux+evangelist.

Booting from USB VMware Fusion 13 VM

Hi! The Tutorial shows you Step-by-step How to Boot a Virtual Machine on VMware Fusion 13 Virtual Machine from USB Drive/Stick.

And the VMware Fusion 13 Boot from USB Drive/Stick Tutorial include Screnshots of All steps involved.

Finally, this Guide give Focus Only to the Essentials Instructions and Commands to make it Easier to Follow.

VMware Fusion 13 Boot from USB Drive/Stick - Featured
  1. Download Plop Bootmanager Tool:

    Plop Bootmanager .zip
  2. Then Double-Click to Unzip.

  3. Connect the USB Drive/Stick.

    VMware Fusion 13 Boot from USB Drive/Stick -  VMware Fusion SetUp Boot from USB

    And Check it will be Connected to Mac.

    VMware Fusion 13 Boot from USB Drive/Stick -  VMware Fusion SetUp Boot from USB
  4. From VM Settings Choose CD/DVD.

    VMware Fusion 13 Boot from USB Drive/Stick - Connect the plpbt.iso Image
  5. And then Browse for the plpbt.iso Image.

    VMware Fusion 13 Boot from USB Drive/Stick - Connect the plpbt.iso Image
  6. Again from VM Settings Choose StartUp.

    VMware Fusion 13 Boot from USB Drive/Stick - Connect the plpbt.iso Image
  7. SetUp to Boot from the CD/DVD
    And .

    VMware Fusion 13 Boot from USB Drive/Stick - VMware Fusion 13 SetUp Boot from CD/DVD Drive
  8. Finally, on Virtual-Machine Booting Screen Select USB.

    VMware Fusion 13 Boot from USB Drive/Stick - VMware Fusion 13 Select Boot from USB Drive
    If Not Found than come back to Step 3 to Enable the USB Drive!
  9. Thanks to Plop Developer: Elmar Hanlhofer.