Installing Downloaded Packages
1. Installing Downloaded Deb Packages
Now to Install Downloaded Deb Packages on SparkyLinux
First, access the Download location by default with:cd ~/Downloads
To Check it’s there List the contents with:
ls . | grep [MYPACKAGEKEY]
The grep Command refine the output List showing only the Entries matching the Keyword.
But if you are in Trouble to Find it out on Terminal then See: How to Access Downloads Folder from Browser.
Then you have 2 possible Solutions.In case of a Package without external Dependencies you can go with:
sudo dpkg -i ./[MYPACKAGE].deb
Hence for a Google-Chrome Web Browser Setup:
sudo dpkg -i ./google-chrome*.deb
Super-Tip: use “*” to Short the Command or the Key to Autocomplete!
Especially relevant: at first glance you are usually Unable to know if the Software is Self-dependent.
Thus it’s always suitable to use instead apt Package Manager or gdebi Package Installer to handle the possible Dependencies.Now to Install the Software using apt:
sudo apt install ./[MYPACKAGE].deb
sudo apt install ./google-chrome*.deb
Last, as a valid Alternative you can Install and use gdebi:
sudo apt install gdebi
And then:
sudo gdebi ./[MYPACKAGE].deb