3. Downloading Synfig Studio
Download Synfig Studio AppImage GNU/Linux:
Grab the linux64 Release.
The AppImage may Not Verified. So if you are concerned about about possible treaths, to Run it Securely in a Sandbox see: Firejail Setup.
Possibly, on Firefox Prompt Choose “Open with AppImageLauncher” or “Save File”:Instead on Google-Chrome simply try to Choose the Package on the Bottom Panel:
4. Launching Synfig Studio
Finally, Launch & Enjoy Synfig Studio
If Not Prompet from AppImageLauncher on File Manager Right-Click > Open with AppImageLauncher:Or simply Double-Click on it!
On prompt choose to “Integrate and Run”:Then you can easily make use of the Desktop Launcher:
But instead without AppImageLauncher, first give Execution Permissions with:
chmod +x ~/Downloads/Synfig Studio*.AppImage
Then to Run it simply Double-Click in the File Manager…
But if yuo are in Trouble to Find it out on Terminal then See: How to Access Downloads Folder from Browser.
And then to Run it from Terminal use:~/Downloads/Synfig Studio*.AppImage
5. Synfig Studio Getting-Started
Getting-Started with Synfig Studio for Ubuntu GNU/Linux
So Now I’m truly Happy if My Guide could Help You to QuickStart with Synfig Studio on Ubuntu 20.04 Focal!