Dowgrading Kernel
2. Enabling Stable Repo
How to Add Debian Stable Repo Preserving System Stability
Especially relevant: follow only instructions to Enable just the ‘Security‘ Sources!
3. Downgrading Kernel
Now to Downgrage Kernel on Debian Testing
First, Search for the avaiable ones:apt search linux-image
Copy the Kernel ID with Ctrl+Shift+c.
Especially relevant, then is Critical that you found also the corrensponding Kernel Headers with:apt search linux-headers | grep [ID]
Replace ‘[ID]‘ with that found in the former one.
The grep Command refine the output List showing only the Entries matching the Keyword.
Now to Setup Kernel and the matching Headers:sudo apt install linux-image-[ID] linux-headers-[ID]
Last, to Test it Reboot with:
sudo reboot
So Now I’m truly Happy if My Guide could Help you to Downgrade Kernel on Debian Testing!